So I was going to do a tutorial on one of my favorite little girl hairdo's- a French twist with a looped ponytail- but I decided to do what every good teacher does: start from the bottom and work my way up.
So today, we will start with the most basic of basics: materials.
So here are some of the most trusty hair products and materials that I use all the time:
Ponytail Holders
Oh, how I love my flat iron:
Curling Iron:
This, again, is no fancy curling iron. It is a ceramic 1 inch barrel curler from Revlon with 30 heat settings, and I use it every time I curl my hair. And for the record, I curl my hair A LOT.
Itty-Bitty Curling Iron:
This isn't actually something I use on myself usually, just because the tiny 1/2 inch barrel would take years to curl all of my hair, but it works wonders when my little sister wants a curly ponytail, or on babies {YES, you can curl babies hair, as long as it's not still the super-fine fuzzy stuff}
3-Barrel Curling Iron/Waver:
I am sure you have heard people say "Don't blow dry your hair everyday, it will kill it!!!" Personally, I am ever so lucky enough to have well-behaved hair that stays exceptionally soft, despite everything I do to it, but I know that for others that is not the case. In this case, use heat protectant spray, or you can buy a blow-dryer that keeps your hair shiny and soft. Mine {the one above} does that very well. It is the Conair Ion Shine 1875. It makes my hair feel super-soft.
Glove. Don't hate.:
Large clips:
This is not meant to be a fashion statement. It is a temporary fix when you are working with multiple braids, layers of curls, and other hair-doing situations when you just need one extra hand for a few minutes.
Bobby pins:
Headbands and Ribbons and Flowers, Oh MY!:
Tail Comb. Emphasis on the TAIL:
Wide-Tooth Comb:
Pick Comb:
Mwahaha... Hairspray!
Hairspray is a hairdresser's best friend. We go through SO MUCH of it in our house {but it's not just me, its the boys and their "fohawks" too :)}
Also good for boys' "fohawks", gel is good for scrunching curls and smoothing down ponytails. It makes for neat, smooth hair.
Spray gel-like two in one!:
Spray gel-like two in one!:
Spray gel is good when you don't want the gloppiness of gel, but you don't want your hair to be as hard as it would be if you used hairspray. I like to use it when I curl hair, but it runs out pretty fast.
Last, but NOT least, the common hairbrush.
Last, but NOT least, the common hairbrush.
We all know what a hairbrush is for, and most of us have one, so I won't say much. Just know that curly hair+hairbrush=frizzy, staticy, unmanageable hair. Thats all. :)
Bristle Brush
This brush is a lifesaver for second-day hair-hair that hasn't been washed since the day before. This brush does a good job at spreading the oils from your scalp all over your head so that you don't have greasy roots. I love it!
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for actual tutorials!
I will take requests and questions, just leave a comment and I will see what I can do! :)